First of all... I hate religion with a passion. Its man made, full of hypocrisy, and is used to make money, money that causes even more problems with the church.
A man who makes millions of dollars preaching each year should be ashamed of himself. All the money those people are giving to a church should be used to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and take care of the widows/widowers. That's scriptural, look it up. Just imagine if all those millions, possibly billions of dollars were used in our communities what a difference our world would look like? Instead they use it to buy mansions, fancy cars, jets, and thousand dollar suits to appear holy. Guess what...God could care how great your external appearance is. He looks on the heart of man.
If God looks on the heart, then that means He cares about having a relationship with us. If He looks on the heart, then that means He wants us to love Him, and He us. When you have a relationship with someone, you communicate, trust, honor, respect, and love the person you're in a relationship with. The old saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" comes to mind. If you only look on the outside you may see beauty. Imagine if you could see as God does. How beautiful would most people be?
I've had the church destroy me emotionally.
I was speaking all over the midwest at youth conferences, when I accidentally allowed to much to come out of my mouth, giving to much detailed information. I get back home, and my Pastor calls for a meeting with the staff. He says "you are welcome here, but you're not allowed to minister, or lead in any way. Your past is to violent." I also lost all the future speaking engagements I had booked for the next year. I was immediately treated as if I had the plague from the congregation. Which means our conversation within the Pastors office wasn't kept private. I never went back.
"Christian's ruin Christianity"... yes I said it. They think their better than others. They shut people who they consider sinful, and not up to their standards. Wealthy people who give the most in the offering plate, get welcomed to everything, while the others, get pushed to the side. The homeless are shunned. The addicts aren't understood, and gossiped about. They place levels of sin that's acceptable, and ones that are not. Problem with that is... God says sin is sin...he's not a respecter of man. A lie is as bad as murder in His eyes.
Anything that involves man, is going to be screwed up. I know churches that have split because of the color of the carpeting. Swear its the truth.
That's why I choose to have a relationship with God, and not be a religious person. I choose to speak with all walks of life, listening to their souls speak, not their mouths.
I honestly don't believe that if Jesus was walking the earth in 2020, He'd be sitting in some mega church. I think He'd be down in the trenches telling the world about His Father.
In His Grip,